
BAck again with more story of doodle-ing...

Doodle? for what?
I suppose people love to doodle when they feel bored; just to entertain themselves or to satisfy the itch of their hands,LOL!

But in my case, I enjoy doodling coz it satisfies my eyes,hands & also soul: no matter how the quality@ outcome is...

Way back in my uni life, I doodled on my room's wall. People say I 'vandalised' the wall but I liked it coz it makes me feel cozy and warm; it makes my mind relaxed & wander...hmmm
most of the time it feels so at home,looking at all those drawings...

I express myself thru doodles, and most of the time I love to draw eyes.
Why Eyes? I also dunno why..
but one thing for sure, Eyes is one of my fav pick for "doodle-ing"

Here are some of the doodle-ing that have accompanied thru my 3 years of uni life
aww,what a the drawings are no more..(due to renovation), they would still remain one of my most fond memories...

haha!an attempt to draw Aishwarya Rai


Emo eyes


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